The TPTTPLLC-TPH-330W-RD AC to DC reference design offers an output power level of 330 W. It is designed with a bridgeless Totem-pole PFC boost converter operating in critical conduction Mode (CrM) and a LLC power stage with secondary side synchronous rectification. The 330 W PSU uses Transphorm’s TP65H070G4LSG and TP65H150G4LSG SuperGaN FETs that are incorporated in the primary side of each power stage. The use of Transphorm GaN FETs results in a highly efficiency and power dense (29.4 W/in3 - open frame) solution.
- High-Power-Density AC/DC Power Supplies
- Lighting
Typical Performance Curves
Application Notes
AN0009: Recommended External Circuitry for Transphorm GaN FETs
AN0008: Drain Voltage and Avalanche Ratings for GaN FETs
AN0002: Characteristics of Transphorm GaN Power FETs
AN0003: Printed Circuit Board Layout and Probing for GaN FETs
AN0006: VGS Transient Tolerance of Transphorm GaN FETs
Design Guides
DG004: Multi-pulse Testing for GaN Layout Verification (and DSP Code)
DG005: Ultrafast Overcurrent Breaker Circuit for Prototyping (and Design Files)
TP65H070LSG Datasheet
TP65H150G4LSG Datasheet
Simulation Models
TP65H070LSG SPICE model
TP65H150G4LSG SPICE model
Complete Design Files
Download all design files (zip)
Download schematic (.sch) file (zip)*
Download schematics (pdf)
Download Gerbers
* When using Altium Designer, please use the Import Wizard function to open the .SCH file.
The TDTTPLLC-TPH-ON-330W-RD reference design does not require any firmware.